what is robots.txt | how it works in blogger


what is robots.txt | how it works in blogger

As a blogger, gaining visibility in search engine results is crucial for attracting organic traffic to your website. However, not all content on your blog might be suitable for indexing by search engines. This is where the robots.txt file comes into play. In this detailed article, we will explore what is robots.txt and how it works in blogger, its significance for bloggers, and how to implement it effectively on your Blogger platform. We'll provide step-by-step solutions with code examples and suggest valuable resources to help you optimize your blog's crawling and indexing.

1. Understanding Robots.txt

Robots.txt, also known as the robots exclusion protocol, is a simple text file placed in the root directory of a website. Its primary purpose is to communicate with search engine crawlers, instructing them on which parts of the website they should or should not crawl and index.

2. How Robots.txt Works

When a search engine crawler visits your Blogger blog, it looks for the presence of a robots.txt file in the root directory. If found, the crawler reads the file to determine the crawling permissions for various user agents (search engine bots).

3. Creating Robots.txt for Blogger

By default, Blogger generates a virtual robots.txt file for your blog. To access and customize it, follow these steps:

Creating Robots.txt for Blogger

a) Login to Blogger: 

Sign in to your Blogger account and navigate to the blog dashboard.

b) Settings: 

From the left sidebar, click on "Settings," and then choose "Search        preferences."

c) Custom robots.txt:

Under the "Crawlers and indexing" section, you'll find the        "Custom robots.txt" option. Click on "Edit."

4. Controlling Crawling with Robots.txt

In Blogger's custom robots.txt editor, you can use directives to control how search engine crawlers interact with your blog. Here are some essential directives:

a) *User-agent: : 

This directive applies to all search engine bots.

b) Disallow:


 Use this directive to specify areas you want to prevent crawlers from accessing. For instance, to block crawling of all pages starting with "/private/", add the line: "Disallow: /private/".

c) Allow:

 This directive can be used to counteract a "Disallow" directive. It indicates that a particular page or directory is allowed for crawling, even if it falls under a broader "Disallow" rule.

5. Sample Robots.txt Code for Blogger

Below is an example of a basic robots.txt code for a Blogger blog:

Example No: 1

JavaScript Code

User-agent: *

Disallow: /private/

Disallow: /admin/

Example No: 2

This code is commonly use in blogger website🔰

User-agent: *

Disallow: /search

Allow: /    

Here searches are disallow to the google boot. That's why these pages can not served on google. Don't worry read this article what is robot.txt | how it works in blogger completely, hope so you will understand the reason behind this.

There are a lot of online sites where you can create robot.txt file for your website.

In the web browser search "Generate robot.txt for blogger"

what is robots.txt | how it works in blogger

**User-agent: **:

This directive targets all search engine bots. The asterisk * is a wildcard character that represents any user-agent.

Disallow: /search: 

This directive instructs search engine bots to not crawl or index any content found under the "/search" directory or URL path. This is useful if you have a search feature on your website that generates dynamic URLs for search queries. By disallowing the "/search" path, you prevent search result pages from being indexed, which can lead to duplicate content issues.

Allow: /: 

This directive specifies that all other content on your website, outside of the "/search" directory, is allowed to be crawled and indexed. The forward slash (/) represents the root directory of your website.

With the provided code, you are disallowing search engine bots from crawling and indexing the "/search" directory while allowing them to access the rest of your website.

It's important to note that search engine crawlers interpret the robots.txt file as a set of guidelines, not as strict rules. While most well-behaved bots respect the directives, some may not. Additionally, the robots.txt file is publicly accessible, so it doesn't provide any security measures for sensitive content.

Remember to place the robots.txt file in the root directory of your website, and ensure that it follows the correct syntax and formatting rules. You can use online tools or validators to verify the correctness of your robots.txt file.

6. Best Practices for Robots.txt in Blogger

To ensure the smooth functioning of your robots.txt file on Blogger, consider the following best practices:

a) Use Disallow Sparingly: 

Avoid excessive use of "Disallow" directives, as it can restrict search engine bots from indexing essential content.

b) Check Regularly: 

Keep an eye on your blog's performance in search results and check the Google Search Console for any crawling issues.

c) Test Your Robots.txt:

 Use Google's Robots.txt Tester in the Search Console to verify the correctness of your file.

7. Suggested Sites and Resources

a) Google Search Console: 

This is an invaluable tool for bloggers to monitor how search engines crawl and index their websites.

b) Google Webmasters: 

Google's official Webmasters portal offers comprehensive information on robots.txt, crawling, and indexing.

c) Blogger Help Center: 

Blogger's official support center provides documentation and guides on managing your blog's settings, including robots.txt.


Robots.txt is a vital file for bloggers, enabling them to control which parts of their websites are indexed by search engines. By understanding its purpose, following best practices, and implementing it effectively on your Blogger platform, you can optimize your blog's crawling and visibility in search engine results. Regularly monitoring your blog's performance and using suggested resources will help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments in search engine optimization.



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