Speed Up Your Blogger Website with Lazy Loading Images

Speed Up Your Blogger Website with Lazy Loading Images

Lazy loading, a powerful optimization technique, presents a solution to address sluggish loading times caused by numerous images on your website. In this article, we will delve into the concept of lazy images, explore their benefits, and provide you with practical steps to speed up your Blogger website and deliver a seamless user experience.

Understanding Lazy Images: The Smart Loading Approach

At its core, lazy loading is an ingenious way to optimize website loading times by deferring the loading of images until they are about to appear on the user's screen. Unlike traditional eager loading, where all images load immediately upon accessing a webpage, lazy loading conserves bandwidth and improves initial page load times.

With lazy images, only the images within the user's viewport or visible part of the page load instantly. As the user scrolls down, additional images progressively load. This efficient loading strategy not only saves data for users on limited bandwidth but also results in faster website performance.

The Advantages of Lazy Images

  1. Faster Loading Times: By loading only the essential images initially, lazy loading reduces the initial load time, allowing your website to load faster and provide a smoother user experience.
  2. Enhanced End-User Experience: Users no need to wait for all images to load before accessing your content. Lazy loading makes your website more responsive and user-friendly.
  3. Bandwidth Conservation: For visitors using mobile devices or on slow internet connections, lazy images can significantly reduce data usage, leading to cost savings and improved satisfaction.
  4. Improved SEO Rankings: As website speed is a crucial factor in search engine algorithms, implementing lazy images can positively impact your SEO performance and potentially boost your rankings.

What is Lazy Loading?

'Lazy loading' is a method used to slow down the loading of NCR (non-critical resources) on any webpage, such as images until they are about to become visible in the user's viewport like mobile or desktop devices. This approach ensures that only the necessary content is loaded initially, reducing the initial page load time significantly.

Implementing Lazy Images 

Now that we recognize the benefits of lazy images, let's walk through the process of adding this optimization technique to your Blogger website.

How to Implement Lazy Loading Images in WordPress

Step 1: Take a Theme Backup

Before making any changes, ensure you have a backup of your current theme. 


Step 2: Check Theme Compatibility

Verify that your Blogger theme supports lazy loading for images. Many modern themes come with built-in support for lazy loading, simplifying the implementation process.

Step 3: Choose a Lazy Load Plugin

If your theme lacks native support for lazy loading, consider using a reliable Lazy Load plugin compatible with Blogger. Look for plugins with positive user reviews and regular updates.

Step 4: Install and Configure the Plugin

Install the chosen Lazy Load plugin on your Blogger website. Once installed, navigate to the plugin settings and configure them to suit your website's layout and design preferences.

Step 5: Test Your Website

After enabling lazy loading, thoroughly test your Blogger website across different devices and browsers to ensure that the plugin functions as expected and all images load correctly.

Best Practices for Lazy Loading Optimization

To maximize the benefits of lazy images and further optimize your website's performance, adhere to these best practices.

  1. Image Compression: Before uploading images to your Blogger website, compress them to reduce file sizes without compromising quality. Smaller image files load faster.
  2. Responsive Images: Implement responsive image techniques to serve appropriately sized images based on the user's device and screen resolution.
  3. WebP Format: Consider using the WebP image format for modern browsers. WebP provides better compression than traditional formats, resulting in faster loading times.
  4. Image Minimization: Be selective with the number of images used on each page. Minimize unnecessary images to reduce the overall load on your website.

Addressing Common Concerns About Lazy Loading

As with any optimization technique, lazy loading might raise some concerns. Let's address these concerns and dispel any doubts:

Will Lazy Loading Impact SEO?

No, lazy loading does not negatively impact SEO. Search engines, including Google, can still crawl and index lazy-loaded images, ensuring proper visibility in search results.

Are There Any Browser Compatibility Issues?

Lazy loading is widely supported in modern browsers, but older versions of Internet Explorer might not fully support it. However, most users have updated browsers that handle lazy loading efficiently.

Does Lazy Loading Delay Image Display?

Lazy loading might cause minor delays in image display, primarily on slower internet connections. However, the overall performance improvement justifies this slight delay.

Can Lazy Loading Break Image Attribution?

Lazy loading does not interfere with image attribution. Alt text and other image attributes remain intact, ensuring proper accessibility and SEO.

Is Lazy Loading Suitable for All Websites?

Lazy loading is highly beneficial for websites with numerous images. However, if your website has minimal image content, the performance gain might be less noticeable.

'lazy loading' for images in Blogger

Lazy loading image

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1

Go to your Blogger Dashboard and Click on Theme..

Step 2

Click on "Edit HTML" to access your blogger template code.

Step 3

Before edit your theme code make sure to backup your is already downloaded.

Step 4

Look for the closing </head> tag in the template code.

 Step 5

Just above the </head> tag, add the following code

 <script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=IntersectionObserver"></script>

  1. Now, find the opening <body> tag in the template code.
  2. Just below the opening <body> tag, add the following code to create a CSS class for the lazy-loaded images:

  .lazy-img {
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity 0.3s;
  .lazy-img.loaded {
    opacity: 1;

  1. Find the <data:post.body/> tag in the template code. This is where your blog post content is displayed.
  2. Add the following JavaScript code just above the <data:post.body/> tag. This code will handle the lazy loading of images:


  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

    var lazyImages = document.querySelectorAll("img[data-src]");

    if ("IntersectionObserver" in window) {

      var lazyImageObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries, observer) {

        entries.forEach(function(entry) {

          if (entry.isIntersecting) {

            var lazyImage = entry.target;

            lazyImage.src = lazyImage.dataset.src;






      lazyImages.forEach(function(lazyImage) {



    } else {

      // Fallback for browsers without Intersection Observer support

      lazyImages.forEach(function(lazyImage) {

        lazyImage.src = lazyImage.dataset.src;






 Now save your template.

To implement lazy loading with webp images, follow these steps

  1. Convert Images to WebP Format.
  2. First, convert your images to the WebP format. You can use image optimization tools or graphic software that supports WebP to convert your images.
  3. Add the loading="lazy" Attribute into the source file in your post editor.
  4. For each <img> element that references a WebP image, add the loading="lazy" attribute. This attribute tells the browser to lazy load the image and deferring its loading until it's necessary when it's close to being visible on the end user's screen.

<img src="image.webp" alt="image Description here " loading="lazy">

Also Code for .png images

<img src="image.png" alt="Description of your image" loading="lazy">

With this implementation of above code, any image with the data-src attribute will be lazy-loaded. The actual image source will be set from the data-src attribute when the image is about to become visible on the screen. The images will smoothly fade in as they load. 

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